Brevity Docs
Powered By Brevity
Welcome to Brevity
Hi 👋,We're glad you're here! Brevity is the world's most advanced visual development platform. Our goal is to enable anyone with an idea to build amazing, completely unique, lightning-fast applications.How to get started

If you are new to Brevity and want to get started right away, we recommend following along with the to-do app tutorial. It will give you a good foundation for building apps on Brevity.

If you have already completed the to-do tutorial, these docs are segmented into 3 sections

  • Guides - Walkthrough specific features of Brevity
  • App Tutorials - Video and text tutorials that show how to build a complete app from start to finish
  • Index - A reference that gives details on specific elements in the Brevity editor. Usefully to take a deeper dive into how things work.